
From amazement to connection

As initiator and president of the Connect2Us Foundation I am proud to present this good deed here.

We work, live and eat with people from all over the world – and we find that exciting and inspiring as long as things go as we expect. If things go differently than we expect or if someone communicates differently than we do, we don’t always know that there may be a cultural misunderstanding and how to fix it. Connect2Us strives to prevent and resolve those misunderstandings.

The Connect2Us Foundation, established in 2016, is a non-profit foundation with ANBI status and CBF certification.


When communicating between people from different cultural backgrounds, cultural differences can be disruptive. Misperception creates prejudice. Connect2Us wants to contribute to understanding, critical thinking and prevent or eliminate these biases so we can see how much we actually have in common.


We strive for a diverse society in which freedom and tolerance are central and prejudices about origin are eliminated.

“A diverse society without prejudice about ethnicity”

Empathy Land is a fun and exciting board game that can also be played by international teams. Colleagues get to know each other better and also understand each other. A great improvement for cross-cultural communication.

Scientific research

The stories were proofread by migrants and organizations concerned with migrant settlement. Prof. Geert Hofstede, renowned Dutch researcher, endorsed the cultural implications of the stories.

Connect2Us partners with Friends of Hofstede and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in The Hague.

Learn more about the Board and volunteers.
The illustrations are by Luigi Segre.
The website is managed by Zin in Webdesign.

Here you will find the annual report, budget and operational plan (English) of the Foundation.